Normandy's 1,100th Birthday—from William the Conqueror to 2011

1100 years of NormandyIf they were to return to their Norman lands, William the Conquerer (born in Falaise, Calvados), and his wife Mathilde would be astounded by the scope and diversity of events celebrating Normandy’s 1,100th birthday.


Provins, Mysterious and Exceptional—A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Provins in the Paris regionProvins is a town in Ile de France that makes us wonder. This unusual site rises out of the immense checkerboard of farms that is the Brie countryside.


Video clip of FM Orchestra, filmed under the bridges of Paris and in Burgundy

Video clip of FM Orchestra, filmed in Paris, on the banks of the Seine, and also in Burgundy, at La Ferme Marie-Eugénie
