Concierge services

Wednesday, May 3 2017

The Tower Rizzi, with drawbridge, indoor pool and astronomical observatory

Tower Chalet Rizzi in South TyrolSimone met us in a traditional restaurant, midway up the hill: above us, we can see the overhanging tower Rizzi.


Tuesday, May 2 2017

Hay sorbet and fresh herb massage in Italy

fresh herbs massageTwo refined luxury surprises awaited me when I traveled to the South Tyrol in Northern Italy last year: the hay sorbet and the fresh herb massage, in the heart of powerful natural surroundings.


Wednesday, April 26 2017

Barber and creator of the shaving caviar and gold foam

Stache cornerStache Corner is a barber, a sort of creative barber who had the idea of inventing a shaving foam for caviar and another for gold. Stache Corner, barber - Art de Vivre à la Française (French Art of Living): the elegant business card that David gives me...
